Life's Tributes

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Baby, baby

My baby Haeleigh is now 9 months old. She is done with all her vaccines till she turns 1. I am already planning some sort of celebration. She is a rather cheerful baby, laughs and smiles alot. She is able to crawl very quickly now. Eating her baby food and cereals while messing up herself and around her. Already growing her second tooth and a bit irritated. Being around her does get a bit stressful but it vanishes the moment she smiles at me. It melts my heart and puts out the fire starting to flare up in me. She has a certain calming effect on me.
My little angel.

Monday, April 09, 2007

My Precious Darlings....

Both my daughters are growing up much too quickly before my eyes. It was like yesterday that they were just born and now Helena is 4 1/2 years old and Haeleigh is already 8 months. My beautiful babies are getting more beautiful each day. I will dread the day when they want to start being independant. Empty nest seem to be getting nearer. Like Godma Moh Moh says, I should start preparing for their wedding.
At this point of time, I should just savor the time where I have authority over them, as in what to wear, what to eat, where to go and listen to all I say.
What I actually mean is that, I will cherish this precious moments with my daughters and that I am important to them as they are to me.
My Babies...please don't grow up too fast.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Welcome Baby Haeleigh

Baby Haeleigh is the new addition to my family. My beloved daughter Helena is turning 4 this October and she wanted a sister. Looking at her play alone made me decide to have another child so that she would not be too lonely growing up. I thought that later in the year 2006 would be a good time to try for a baby. But, things never really go according to plan. So, while I was galavanting around Turkey in December 2005, I was already pregnant but didn't know it. So, it was not until almost Christmas time that I realized that I am going to have a baby sooner than my initial plan. It was a great Christmas present to my hubby. After waiting for 38 & half weeks, Haeleigh Low Weng Yee came into this world on the 15th August 2006 at 12.29pm weighing 3.95kgs and 52cm long. Yup, she is a rather big girl. Everyone was so happy and excited, especially Helena. She adores her little baby sister but not very gentle when she kisses and hugs the new baby. But, I am glad that she is not jealous or even rejecting her little sister. Thank God that I have two beautiful, healthy and wonderful daughters.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Turkey Trotting

The Blue Mosque, Istanbul

Hagia Sofia, Istanbul


Trojan Horse, Troy


My trip to Turkey was in December 2005. Yes, it is more than 8 months, almost 9 months ago. Very interesting place to be. Ancient and modern. It was an experience to be there. Food is fabulous and can't seem to get enough of it.
Enjoy the pictures.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Happy Birthday Helena!

Baby, baby. My baby just turned 3 years old. Next thing I know I have to start planning for her wedding.
Not yet anyway. Just took 2 weeks to plan her birthday party. After 3 birthday cakes, 2 parties, 1 dinner and 43 party packs later, she is finally 3 years old and I am all caked out.
I was just recalling the day that I went into the hospital at 6.50am with abdominal cramps 3 years ago. I was not due for another 3 weeks. At 10am when my doctor told me that it was gonna be my "labor day", I lost my appetite. I waited and waited until 8.32pm, after more than 13 hours later Helena came into the world.
Well, we had her birthday party at One U's Kid's Sports & Gym place with 17 other kids and 30 adults. It was paradise for the kids with a playland for them to monkey around, entertainer, food and BIRTHDAY CAKE! I was pooped by the time the kids left and me to get home. After a short rest, it was time for family dinner again.
And the next day it was a party at her daycare. There was another cake and more party packs and of course more kids.
My little precious is growing up too fast and I want to be with her every step she takes.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

When you are over the hill....

I remember like when I was about 8-9 years old, I gave my mom a mug that has these words written on it - "When you are over the hill you pick up speed". At that age I didn't really get it. Well, I finally turned 30 last week and these words from the mug came into my head.
Here I am feeling old and I just realized that this is the time when I am at the top of the hill ready to roll down at top speed. Instead of slowing down in my life, now I feel it is the time to really do more and experience more. This should be my prime.
Another milestone passed and I am ready for new challenges. No more slugging at snail pace. There is more to life than feeling old and sit on my ass feeling depressed.
Those who are 30 and over out there, welcome me to your world.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Flavor Savor

Today Liz & I celebrated Eileen's bday. Yupp...she just turned 30. That reminds me, it's my turn next week. I remember last year when I celebrated my 29th bday, I was feeling depressed. Moh Moh, Eileen & Liz surprised me with a cake and presents at the old Petals Boutique. My hubby was so sweet and brought me to a hotel for dinner with flowers delivered to me at our table and presented me with a nice present. It was nice of them but, I guess it was hard for me to accept the fact that I am 29 the final year of being in the twenties.But, this year as I remind myself that I will be turning 30 next week, I don't feel so bad about myself. Looking back I have much to be thankful for. Firstly, my precious little daughter, Helena who is growing up too fast before my eyes.

My darling hubby, Henry who has supported me financially, emotionally and mentally. My wonderful family - mom, dad, aunts, sis & brother in law. And a bunch of close friends.Why am I complaining? Now I feel really foolish about my misery just because I will be out of my twenties and going toward the thirties. I have, in the last 30 years savoured the bitter, sour as well as the sweet and spicy flavors of life. There are much more out there for me to learn and experience.Well, I guess I will have new challenges and savour more flavors of life.