Life's Tributes

Monday, April 09, 2007

My Precious Darlings....

Both my daughters are growing up much too quickly before my eyes. It was like yesterday that they were just born and now Helena is 4 1/2 years old and Haeleigh is already 8 months. My beautiful babies are getting more beautiful each day. I will dread the day when they want to start being independant. Empty nest seem to be getting nearer. Like Godma Moh Moh says, I should start preparing for their wedding.
At this point of time, I should just savor the time where I have authority over them, as in what to wear, what to eat, where to go and listen to all I say.
What I actually mean is that, I will cherish this precious moments with my daughters and that I am important to them as they are to me.
My Babies...please don't grow up too fast.